This is the game that goes there.
To those unmentionable dark places in our brain we’d rather not visit. Don’t worry, though. You won’t be going there alone. The more people who go there, the less scary it becomes. So, prepare to be a little uncomfortable, a lot open-minded, have a few laughs, and above all else be real AF.
Be honest and don't be a jerk.
You only have to go there if you want to.

What People are Saying
Let’s go there, together.
Fearless conversation can prevent suicide. Let’s talk about the monsters in our minds. Then let’s befriend them.
*IF YOU ARE IN A MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS AND NEED HELP PLEASE REACH OUT TO A PROFESSIONAL IMMEDIATELY. The Liv Project is NOT a professional organization in the mental health field. The Liv Project does NOT offer psychiatric, medical or any other professional advice. We are NOT a crisis center. Our organization was founded by individuals who have lost friends and family members to suicide. Our goal is to build a community where we share information with each other that we have gathered about mental health resources and facilities and NOT to serve as a substitute for sound, professional, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you or a friend is in need of help, you should immediately seek that help and advice from qualified mental health professionals. This website is for informational purposes only. Please note that The Liv Project shall NOT be responsible for the content or services provided by any organizations, individuals or other resources referenced on our website or which you become aware of through this website, publications or other materials and information provided to you by or which you have become aware of through The Liv Project. The main goal of The Liv Project is to help people in distress get information about the professional resources that are out there so that we can together help prevent mental health crises from ending in suicide.